Tag: security

On August 24, 2018

Xero Tip: Setting up 2 Step Authentication (2FA)

From 11 Sep 2018, Xero is making it compulsory for users who have access to sensitive data (eg. payroll, the subscriber, and anyone who can change bank details in the software) to have increased security when logging in to the software. This is to reduce the risk of internet hackers using their login to change
On August 24, 2018

Business Information Sheet – Cyber Security of Your Software

Backup of Computers and all Data Backups are essential. Offsite, remote or cloud backup is the best option; you can “set and forget”, and it then happens automatically in the background. Alternatively use an external drive and schedule regular backups, e.g. at the end of each work day. Electronic Document Storage Electronic storage of business
On May 5, 2017

Business Information Sheet – Making Payments on Your Behalf

If you engage a bookkeeper/BAS agent to make payments on your behalf, you need to take care of security issues as this can be risky. Ensuring you have appropriate procedures and security controls in place and that you and your staff follow these at all times is very important. Inadequate internal controls can leave the
On May 5, 2017

Business Information Sheet – Credit Card Security

Data from Australian Payments Clearing Association (APCA) in 2014 shows that 0.02% of all credit card and cheque transactions were fraudulent – total of $311 million. Over the last ten years, the amount of fraud has increased significantly due to a rise in online transactions (where the physical card is not present), and sophistication of